What managers think after a year of pandemic
2020 has been a challenging year; maybe the most challenging year that many of us can remember. It has not only made us pay an extremely high cost in terms of human lives, because of the pandemic, but it has also arrested the growth trend recorded in the last years by the global economy.
Now that 2020 is over, people and professionals around the world seem to have different expectations for 2021. For some of them, it could be the year when a comeback to the (new) normal. According to others, instead, it is going to be as challenging as the previous one; finally, many stand in the middle, thinking that 2021 is going to be better than 2020, but we will have to wait 2022/2023 for a full recovery.
For this reason, at Wyser, we have decided to investigate the perceptions of more than 500 managers in Europe, Asia and America and share the results in this report.
We are taking a faithful picture of the current situation focusing on three main topics:
- A macro-analysis on the market and the economy
- A specific focus on the business side, examining the impact of the pandemic on companies, how they reacted, and their future horizon
- A focus on client’s and manager’s expectations in a scenario where the worst seems to be behind us, but there is still much uncertainty in the future